Important notice from management



Thank you very much for your continued support of our artists.

All of our artists and staff would like to express our sincere gratitude for the tremendous support we have received from you all.

We have previously informed you about prohibited activities such as waiting for our artists to arrive or leave the venue, but we are still seeing the following types of behavior, so we would like to ask for your cooperation again.

[When traveling or using public transportation, etc.]

- Acts such as lying in wait, chasing, taking photographs, cheering or calling names on the street, at train stations, airports, hotels, in front of shops, and other public facilities, which may cause inconvenience to ordinary people and facilities.

- Purchasing a ticket for the purpose of riding on the same public transportation as the artist

- Any acts that involve transactions to obtain artist riding information

- Staying on the same public transportation or in the vicinity of vehicle decks, corridors, or restrooms in order to watch artists

- Taking a seat close to an artist on public transport such as a bullet train or airplane and peering down at them

- Ambushes and pursuits at work sites, whether publicly disclosed or not

- Ignoring the staff's warnings and trying to contact the artists

- Intentionally bumping into or trying to make contact with artists

- Tracking an artist's vehicle to their work site or accommodation

- Staying in airport lobbies, near security checkpoints, in lounges, in front of boarding gates, etc., obstructing the passage of artists and other passengers.

[Other nuisances]

- Taking photos or videos of artists, whether in private or during filming, or taking unauthorized photographs

- Spreading information about where you have encountered an artist on social media, making it easier to ambush the artist

- Abusive or threatening behavior towards managers, security guards, or staff members who give warnings, or ignoring warnings and repeatedly engaging in nuisance behavior

- Prying into, monitoring, following, or tracking an artist's place of residence or work

- Chasing a member's vehicle in a taxi, rental car, or personal car

- Waiting for someone at a live broadcast or recording studio or TV station, and following them from there

・Visiting company premises or related facilities without prior permission

As we have stated before, this type of behavior threatens the safety of artists and staff, causes inconvenience to the general public in the vicinity, and can lead to personal trouble, unexpected injury, or serious accidents.

Not only do they violate laws and regulations, but any actions that cause a nuisance to the public can have an adverse effect on the artist's activities and physical health, and may even prevent them from continuing their activities.

It could also lead to critical scrutiny not only of artists but of the entertainment industry as a whole, making it difficult for artists to work not only in Japan but also overseas.

We are aware of cases where money is exchanged to gather information, but excessive behavior like this can be considered a criminal offense. We cannot take any responsibility for any trouble that may arise as a result.

If you violate any of the above points, you may be considered to have withdrawn from the OFFICIAL FANCLUB. In that case, we will not refund any membership fees or annual fees, so please be careful.

Many fans are supporting artists while following the rules, but we ask the very small minority who are engaging in the prohibited activities mentioned above to think again about what they can do to ensure that artists can carry out their activities safely and securely.

We will do our utmost to create an environment where everyone can enjoy themselves with peace of mind, so we ask that you strictly refrain from engaging in the above-mentioned behavior. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation.

July 24, 2024

LAPONE Entertainment